Saturday 31 March 2012

Designing our own magazine advert- Yharnna Dior Joseph

In order to create and design an effective and professional magazine advert , I used photoshop to create our final magazine poster.
One of the main conventions of a magazine advert , is to have a strong feature of the artst themselves , which dominates the poster.
I decided to
use the image
inserted on
the left , mainly
because I think
the artist himself
has a strong and
 direct focus into
the camera. He
appears confident
and passionate
which is what is
needed for the front
cover of a magzine
advert , in order
to allur the audience.

The image to the left
is a screen shot of the
magazine advert , being
designed in photoshop.
I have used inspiration
from the Rhianna
magazine advert , by
using the black and white
contrast . I think it works
well, however the advert
appears too plain , and
simplistic .

I thought that it would be a good idea to insert a background image and adjust the opacity of the image, so I then used google to find a background image.

The image

to the left
is the secondary
image that I 
obtained from 
google and
used as our
image for our

This a screenshot
of our final 
magazine advert.
I think that by
inserting the 
colourful background
the advert appears
more attractive to
the readers eyes .
It also looks more
professional . I also 
feel that the typography
works extremely well too.

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