Saturday 31 March 2012

Researching existing magazine adverts-Yharnna Dior Joseph

The image inserted towards the left
is a advert , which has been extracted
from a magazine . Essentially it
pomotes the newly released album
by "Kings of Leon". What strikes
me instantly about this magazine
advert is the way of which the
face has been manipulated using
digital technology , it's extremely
eye captivating and somewhat
intriguing.In addition to this the
green/grey effect over the images
reflects the context of when this
album was released , since it
creates a rather dated feel to
the magazine advert. The advert
also contains critical information
using typography , which enables
the information to stand out from
the rest, allowing the audience to
absorb the information better.

 The image inserted towards the left is
an extract from a magazine advertising
the release of Rhianna's new album . I believe that this magazine layout is extremely effective. I particularly like the dramatic contrast of black and white , that features strongly throughout this image. The sudden and drastic contrast of the two colours helps evoke a rather rough, edgy , gophic and sexy feel to the poster , which is simple a reflection of Rhianna herself. I also like the way Rhianna poses throughout this advert, she's stares relentlessly at the camera , into the eyes of te audience , which is extremely captivating and alluring. There is almost a feeling of seduction and 'sexiness' which has been created , through the seductive pose, black lipstick and red writing. The seductive feelings helps project the imformation clearer to the audience since it appears more pleasing to the eyes.

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