Thursday 30 June 2011

An example of a Good music Video-Yharnna Dior Joseph

Eminem -When your Gone is an example of a good music video as it follows more or less so all of the code and convetions of a good music video .  What is most striking about the video is that it has a dramatic and emotional narrative which almost instantaneously engages the reader . In addition to this unlike the 'Lazy song' This video doesn't hold the same shots for long but instead , includes a variety of different shots at different angles each time. Also there is cross cutting between two locations , which a variety scenes , the settings are effective and correlate well with the narrative and song lyrics. Also the artist Eminem ,grasps the viewers attention by rapping directly to the audience , with complete enthusiasm and passion, this is therefore entertaining for the readers ,so therefore achieves the object of a music video , which is to entertain.

An example of a Bad music Video-Yharnna Dior Joseph

 Bruno Mars -  Tha lazy song  is an example of a music video that does not follow the typical codes and conventions of a GOOD music video . The reasons for this is that this video simply lacks variety .  For instance the video is mainly shot at a medium shot , and looks as if it has been filmed on a Webcam , this appears very repetitive and doesn't look like much effort has been placed into this video , causing the video to be boring and fae from entertaining . In addition to this the location and setting of the video remains the same throughout the video .This is extremely dreary and tiresome and doesn't really stimulate the audiences imagination as such, like Music video's are supposed to. There is also no narrative to the music video , so therefore there's no real attraction to the video .However the lack of variety correlates to the meaning and lyrics of the song which is 'The lazy song' so in essence the lazy music video is simply a reflection of the song name. On a brighter note there is choreography throughout this video , which looks organised , however is does start to become repetetive and boring. There are also props which have been used- a mask of a monkey face , which the cast wear through the video , this creates a comical effect and can engage the audience through humour and comdey

Characteristics of a Good Music Video - Yharnna Dior Joseph

  • A variety of Camera shots 
  • Interesting and relevant scenes/settings
  • A wide range of scenes/Setting to avoid repetitiveness causing the video to appear boring
  • Effective Mise en Scene 
  • Relevant and appealing Costumes to fit the role of the artist/cast and the narrative of the video 
  • Avoid school uniform as it appears effortless 
  • Avoid shooting the video within the facility of the school 
  • Effective Lip-synching 
  • Enthusiastic and motivated cast/artists , who will engage the audience and viewers .
  • Good Editing causing the video to look more professional
  • A relevant and effective narrative which correlates with the lyrics of the song 
  • A video which engages the audience and is intriguing and entertaining 

Friday 24 June 2011

Conventions of a Music Video - Yharnna Dior Joseph

Conventions of a Music Video...

Camera shots :
Within a music video camera shots are crucial , as its more or less so essential within a music video to include a wide variety of shots to place emphasis on the artist, Location and emotions  conveyed throughout the video.Often long shots, close ups and mid shots are featured the most throughout music videos. Moreover Close ups are used to convey the emotions of the artist , as Closeups are able to capture the raw emotions which engage the audience .In addition to this , close ups also reflect the words of the song with the movement of the artists lips , placing emphasis on the lyrics and meanings of the song even more so . This therefore achieves the purpose of the music video which is to promote the song.
In order successfully engage the audience, The camera shots should not be too long , or repetitive or else the video will appear boring and loose the viewers attention.

Camera Movements 
Camera movement is also essential throughout a music video and is used to follow the artist or cast within the video.Typical camera movements used within a video are : panning shots , tilts,crane shots and tracking 

Mise En scene :

Setting and Location : Must be varied within a music video in order to make it intriguing for the viewer . Also the locations must be exciting and appropriate for the narrative of the song.

Narrative : must be interesting,catchy and suitable for the song.

Costume & Props : In order engage the viewers with an exciting video which is realistic , the costume used must be suitable to the narrative and plot of the video , and shouldn't be too boring and ordinary . Props used must also be realistic and fit the characteristics of the narrative. 

Cast & characters :
cast and characters within the music video must be well engrossed into the video and show enthusiasm creating a realistic situation and emotions, which will engage the viewer.

Colours :
Colours and lighting often have the powers to affect the mood evoked throughout the music video. Also certain lighting is often suited to specific music genres . For example dark lighting is more suited with heavy rock music or sinister narratives where as bright lighting is normally used within R&B , POP and hip hop videos with light hearted narratives .

Editing :


conventions in a music video "I Need A Doctor" Dr Dre featuring emienm

I need a doctor by Dr. Dre  does not follow typical conventions however challenges the them.
Music videos are usually between 3 minutes to 4 minutes long in this case the video is 8 minutes long. Length is important within music videos as if it is too long it could kill the song as Music videos are used as a promotional tool. However in this case makes it unique as a short story is placed at the beginning building up towards the song.
The narrative within the video fits along the storyboard and links towards the artists expressions within the lyrics. These are the typical conventions that occur.


Conventions of a Music Video

- Lip synching.
- Narrative.
- Camera shots and movements.
- Editing cut to the beat of the song.
- Setting to fit the music genre.
- Costume to fit narrative and music genre.
- 3 minute video.