Friday 24 June 2011

Conventions of a Music Video - Yharnna Dior Joseph

Conventions of a Music Video...

Camera shots :
Within a music video camera shots are crucial , as its more or less so essential within a music video to include a wide variety of shots to place emphasis on the artist, Location and emotions  conveyed throughout the video.Often long shots, close ups and mid shots are featured the most throughout music videos. Moreover Close ups are used to convey the emotions of the artist , as Closeups are able to capture the raw emotions which engage the audience .In addition to this , close ups also reflect the words of the song with the movement of the artists lips , placing emphasis on the lyrics and meanings of the song even more so . This therefore achieves the purpose of the music video which is to promote the song.
In order successfully engage the audience, The camera shots should not be too long , or repetitive or else the video will appear boring and loose the viewers attention.

Camera Movements 
Camera movement is also essential throughout a music video and is used to follow the artist or cast within the video.Typical camera movements used within a video are : panning shots , tilts,crane shots and tracking 

Mise En scene :

Setting and Location : Must be varied within a music video in order to make it intriguing for the viewer . Also the locations must be exciting and appropriate for the narrative of the song.

Narrative : must be interesting,catchy and suitable for the song.

Costume & Props : In order engage the viewers with an exciting video which is realistic , the costume used must be suitable to the narrative and plot of the video , and shouldn't be too boring and ordinary . Props used must also be realistic and fit the characteristics of the narrative. 

Cast & characters :
cast and characters within the music video must be well engrossed into the video and show enthusiasm creating a realistic situation and emotions, which will engage the viewer.

Colours :
Colours and lighting often have the powers to affect the mood evoked throughout the music video. Also certain lighting is often suited to specific music genres . For example dark lighting is more suited with heavy rock music or sinister narratives where as bright lighting is normally used within R&B , POP and hip hop videos with light hearted narratives .

Editing :


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