Thursday 30 June 2011

An example of a Bad music Video-Yharnna Dior Joseph

 Bruno Mars -  Tha lazy song  is an example of a music video that does not follow the typical codes and conventions of a GOOD music video . The reasons for this is that this video simply lacks variety .  For instance the video is mainly shot at a medium shot , and looks as if it has been filmed on a Webcam , this appears very repetitive and doesn't look like much effort has been placed into this video , causing the video to be boring and fae from entertaining . In addition to this the location and setting of the video remains the same throughout the video .This is extremely dreary and tiresome and doesn't really stimulate the audiences imagination as such, like Music video's are supposed to. There is also no narrative to the music video , so therefore there's no real attraction to the video .However the lack of variety correlates to the meaning and lyrics of the song which is 'The lazy song' so in essence the lazy music video is simply a reflection of the song name. On a brighter note there is choreography throughout this video , which looks organised , however is does start to become repetetive and boring. There are also props which have been used- a mask of a monkey face , which the cast wear through the video , this creates a comical effect and can engage the audience through humour and comdey

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