Thursday 30 June 2011

Characteristics of a Good Music Video - Yharnna Dior Joseph

  • A variety of Camera shots 
  • Interesting and relevant scenes/settings
  • A wide range of scenes/Setting to avoid repetitiveness causing the video to appear boring
  • Effective Mise en Scene 
  • Relevant and appealing Costumes to fit the role of the artist/cast and the narrative of the video 
  • Avoid school uniform as it appears effortless 
  • Avoid shooting the video within the facility of the school 
  • Effective Lip-synching 
  • Enthusiastic and motivated cast/artists , who will engage the audience and viewers .
  • Good Editing causing the video to look more professional
  • A relevant and effective narrative which correlates with the lyrics of the song 
  • A video which engages the audience and is intriguing and entertaining 

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