Thursday 30 June 2011

An example of a Good music Video-Yharnna Dior Joseph

Eminem -When your Gone is an example of a good music video as it follows more or less so all of the code and convetions of a good music video .  What is most striking about the video is that it has a dramatic and emotional narrative which almost instantaneously engages the reader . In addition to this unlike the 'Lazy song' This video doesn't hold the same shots for long but instead , includes a variety of different shots at different angles each time. Also there is cross cutting between two locations , which a variety scenes , the settings are effective and correlate well with the narrative and song lyrics. Also the artist Eminem ,grasps the viewers attention by rapping directly to the audience , with complete enthusiasm and passion, this is therefore entertaining for the readers ,so therefore achieves the object of a music video , which is to entertain.

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