Friday 30 September 2011

Shot Count

Our task was to watch a pop video , and count how many shots there were in the video . The video I chose to watch was Britney spears "Hit Me Baby One More Time"
Throughout the course of this video i counted 133 shots from start to finnish . Since pop music is a very fast paced music genre , It is expected to have plenty shots within the music video.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Narrative of 'Marvins Room' Yharnna - Dior Joseph

 Marvin’s Room is presented through a first person narrative where Drake himself expresses his distressing and heartbreaking situation , where the girl he really loves has moved on and found somebody else in whom she feels that she loves . However Drake feels that the guy that she has met is not good enough for her and  that quite frankly , she can do better. Drake reveals his loneliness whilst reflecting about the good times that he had with the girl , he believes that the girl feels the same but is also happy with the guy that she’s with.

Pitch Evaluation- Yharnna -Dior Joseph

For our Pitch , both me and Jamie presented a powerpoint to the rest of the class , all the information needed to explain our ideas was inserted into our powerpoint. We  had also generated notes to go with our powerpoint , but in the end didnt end up using the notes. Throughout the powerpoint me and Jamie simply elaborated on each point presented in our powerpoint , in order to make points clear and understandable to the listeners/audience.
Our powerpoint consisted of :
About Drake the artist : In this slide we breifly described drake , and informed the audience about his record label , his achievements and background knwoledge.
our second slide was : About 'Marvins Room' : In this slide we provided excessive background knowledge about the song itself , which incuded it's release date , its achievements, the genre of Marvins room and how it follows or subverts the typical conventions of its genre. We believed that it was essential to feed our audience with accurate facts and information to improve their understanding of the song .
Our fourth slide was about the Narrative of 'Marvins room' Within this slide we explained what Marvins room is about , by evaluating the message conveyed through the song lyrics of marvins room . We thought that it was important , that our audience was fully aware of the narrative pf the song , so they would therefore understand our ideas for our music video .
Our Fifth slide was explaining our own narrative to 'Marvins room' , it helped immensly that we had already explained the song lyrics to Marvins room , because this prevented confusion which therefore prevented plenty of questions.
Generally I believe that our presentation went well , as our audience seemed to understand all our ideas that we presented , when we asked for any questions , the audience didnt have much questions . However our teacher brought to our atttention that we cannot rely too much on the song lyrics of 'Marvins room' to make the video , our filming and shots also have to tell the story.

Preperation for our presentation/Pitch-Yharnna-Dior Joseph

As a group our task was to prepare a presentation , of which we would present to the rest of our class , in the next lesson whilst being filmed. I decided to create a power point , consisting of 5 slides , which would hopefully explain to the rest of the class why we have chosen the song 'Marvins Room' aswell as informing the class with background knowledge of Drake the artist himself , and the meaning of the lyrics to the song as well as possible ideas that we have for our music video.
Above is a screen shot of our powerpoint presentation that we presented to our class , along with our power point we also composed several notes to read out during our presentation , in hope to exert maximum information to the rest of our class.

Our Finalised Song for our music Video- Yharnna Dior Joseph

After evaluating all possible songs that we could use as our music video song  me and my group partner Jamie, Both agreed that we should use Drake's Marvins room to make our music video. We both made our decision on this song because we feel that Marvins Room has an extremely interesting narrative making it  easier for us to generate great video ideas. In addition to this we feel that the song lyrics of marvins rooms are fairly self explainitary and also contain plenty emotion , making the song sound more meaningful and interesting for the audiences ear.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Possible song ideas for our music video

This is a song that we could possibly use for our music video, mainly because it follows a good narrative , meaning that we can generate plenty ideas for a storyline and create an intriguing storyline for our video.

We thought that Chris Brown's Dueces would be a good song to make a video to , primarily because it has a strong narrative throughout the song , that could be put together to make an effective video. Dueces is from the hip hop genre , so would follow the typical conventions of a hip hop video.

Unlike the above BRUNO MARS , Grenade is from the R&B genre , as a group we decided that this would be a good song io make a video to mainly because of the emotional song lyrics with generates plenty video ideas , however we also feel the idea of a grenade throughout our song could be slightly dramatic , in the sense that we cannot create a grenade for our video sinc ewe are on a tight budget.

We both strongly feel that 'Marvins Room" by Drake is a great song to create a video to , although its from hip hop genre it doesnt follow the typical conventions of a hip hop genre as it' extremely slow paced. In addition to this Drakes Marvins room has an extremely interesting narrative , and lyrics that are both intriguing and catchy . Despite the fact that the lyrics are repetative and fairly simplistic , it still explains the meaning of the song clearly to the audience , which would be ideal to make a video to.

Music Video Research -YharnnaDior Joseph

As a class our task was to research a music video in our groups and to compare how the chosen video follows or subverts the typical conventions of a music video's genre .
Our song chosen was called Candy shop , which is by an artist called 50 cent . The song 'Candy Shop ' is a hip hop genre , so therefore when watching , we prepared notes on how Candy shop followings the conventions of a typical Hip hop genre video.
 We found that 50 cent's Candy shop followed the typical conventions of a hip hop video ,in a number of  ways. Firstly the most apparent similarity , was that Hip Hop video's are often sexually orientated , with slim slender women , posing rather seductive in front of the camera . Candy shop is extremely provocative and sexually orientated , from the setting,cast,props to the lyrics. The lyrics are in fact ambigeous as they can be interpreted in two ways  "I  take you to the candy shop " initially sounds innocent but when analysed actually refers to a sex house , so therefore follows the typical ideas relating to a hip hop genre song. Also throughout the video the colour red is featured very strongly , red symbolises lust , romance and sex which also relates to conventions of a hip hop song . Additionally the girls in this video are dressed in minimal clothing in order to seduce the audience .

Friday 23 September 2011

Music in the 70s by Jamie Hutton

The 1970s saw the rise of popular soft rock and pop rock and famous artists such as Elton John. But one of the main artist that rose in this era was the Rolling Stones. They were a British rock band and were always in the public eye due to their way of life and sex, drugs & rock and roll attitude they portrayed.They were also the first group to use life performaces as their music video such as stone in the park which was a live performance recording in Hyde park which was free to watch which became a big promotional tool.

Monday 19 September 2011

Deconstruction Drake Marvin's Room by Jamie Hutton

starts at 7 seconds

[Woman on phone]
Yeah i just walked in
Yeah i’m good you still working?
tonight, right now?
‘Did i go out’ yeah i went out
I went, i went to a couple of clubs
I never went to bed
shit… wine or water
you should see someone about a cold drink
I don’t know, i’m delirious… night” 21 seconds

7 seconds gap

[Drake - Verse 1]
Cups of the Rose -3 seconds 31 seconds of song
Bitches in my old phone- 3 seconds 34 seconds of song
I should call one and go home- 4 seconds 38 seconds of song
I’ve been in this club too long-3 seconds 41 seconds of song
The woman that I would try- 2 seconds 43 seconds of song
Is happy with a good guy- 3 seconds 46 seconds of song

But I’ve been drinking so much- 3 seconds 49 seconds of song
That I’ma call her anyway and say- 2 seconds 51 seconds of song
“F-ck that nigga that you love so bad- 5 seconds 56 seconds of song
I know you still think about the times we had”-6 seconds 1 minute 2 seconds of song
I say “f-ck that nigga that you think you found-5 seconds 1 minute 7 seconds of song
And since you picked up I know he’s not around”-6 seconds 1 minute 13 seconds of song

(Are you drunk right now?)- 4 seconds 1 minute 17 seconds of song

I’m just sayin’, you could do better-3 seconds 1 minute 20 seconds of song 
Tell me have you heard that lately?-6 seconds 1 minute 26 seconds of song
I’m just sayin’ you could do better-7 seconds 1 minute 33 seconds of song
And I’ll start hatin’, only if you make me-4 seconds 1 minute 37 seconds of song 

I think I’m addicted to naked pictures-2 seconds 1 minute 39 seconds of song
And sittin talkin’ ’bout bitches- 1 second 1 minute 40 seconds of song
that we almost had-2 seconds 1 minute 42 seconds of song

I don’t think I’m concious of making monsters-2 seconds 1 minute 44 seconds of song
Outta the women that I sponsor til it all goes bad-3 seconds 1 minute 47 seconds of song 
But shit it’s all good-1 seconds 1 minute 48 seconds of song

We threw a party, yeh we threw a party-3 seconds 1 minute 51 seconds of song 
Bitches came over, yeh, we threw a party- 3 seconds 1 minute 54 seconds of song
I was just calling cause they were just leaving-3 seconds 1 minute 57 seconds of song
Talk to me please, don’t have much to believe in- 3 seconds 2 minutes of song
I need you right now, are you down to listen to me?-3 seconds 2 minutes 3 seconds of song 
Too many drinks have been given to me-3 seconds 2 minute 6 seconds of song
I got some women thats living off me-3 seconds 2 minutes 9 seconds of song
Paid for their flights and hotels I’m ashamed-3 seconds 2 minutes 12 seconds of song
Bet that you know them, I won’t say no names-3 seconds 2 minutes 15 seconds of song
After a while girl they all seem the same-2 seconds 2 minutes 17 seconds of song
I’ve had sex four times this week I’ll explain-3 seconds 2 minutes 20 seconds of song
Having a hard time adjusting to fame-3 seconds 2 minutes 23 seconds of song
Sprite in that mixture, I’ve been talking crazy girl-3 seconds 2 minutes 26 seconds of song
I’m lucky that you picked up- 2 seconds 2 minutes 28 seconds of song
Lucky that you stayed on- 1 seconds 2 minutes 29 seconds of song 
I need someone to put this weight on- 4 seconds 2 minutes 33 seconds of song 

[Drake and Woman on phone]
“Well I’m sorry” – Drake
“Are you drunk right now?” – Woman
4 seconds 

I’m just sayin’, you could do better- 4 seconds 2 minute 41 seconds of song 
Tell me have you heard that lately-8 seconds 2 minute 49 seconds of song 
I’m just sayin’ you could do better-7 seconds 2 minute 56 seconds of song
And I’ll start hatin’, only if you make me-6 seconds 3 minutes 2 seconds of song

3 minutes 7 seconds 

3 minutes 9 seconds of song
[Drake on phone]
“You’re not going to come?”
“Guess i’m bout to just kick it here then…”

1960s music by Jamie Hutton

The break between the music of the 1950s and the 1960s is imprecise. A reasonable way of  "dating" the 1960s is with the "British invasion" of American music. This refers to the numerous British groups, admirers and emulators of American rock and roll, who broke into the U.S. market during the early 1960s.  The invasion was spearheaded by the Beatles. The "end" of the 1960s actually extends into the early years of the 1970s with, according to many, the rise of "disco" music.

The cant buy me love sequence from Hard days night is a short music video added into the film using it as a promotion tool for The Beatles. this sequence highlighted one of the first times of a narrative story plot with the use of cross cuttings as the beat is in time with the shots. 

Friday 16 September 2011

Music Television MTV

MTV was launched in 1981; by 1985 18 million viewers nationwide.
This music channel publicized videos giving recored sales a boost.

Music in the 80s

Michael Jackson's Thriller is from the best selling album of all time. This music video does not follow the typical conventions as it acts as more of a short film. The video is 12 minutes in length and has a very detailed story line starring the artist himself the music doesn't begin till about 4 minutes into the music video . suburbs the norm of a typical music video. Their is a narrative however mixed with a performance as their is a dance scene.
The first music video shown on the launch of MTV in Europe was 'Money For Noting' by Dire Straits. It's easy to see why this video was chosen as it strongly promoted MTV as the lyrics contained the word 'MTV.

Monday 12 September 2011

List of Music video Conventions by Jamie Hutton

Music videos can be categorized in terms of style.

Such as performance, Band Artist playing.

Narrative includes story.

Mixture both performance and narrative based.

Artist feature but do not perform.

3 \ 4 Minutes long.

Variety of shots.

Cross cutting.

Cut in time with the beat.

50 Cent candy shop by Jamie Hutton

This music video shows the Typical conventions of a music video 50 Cent Candy Shop is a good example to use as it follows typical conventions it is 4 minutes long and has a Variety of shots,
Cross cutting music in time with the beat of the song. Lip synching.
The Genre hip hop shows a typical look upon Hip Hop music videos as we see Masculine men surrounded by half naked woman typical of the genre. The narrative has a simple story line that reflects on the lyrics. The woman are dressed in seductive red clothing minimal clothing which is both engaging and provocative.