Sunday 25 September 2011

Pitch Evaluation- Yharnna -Dior Joseph

For our Pitch , both me and Jamie presented a powerpoint to the rest of the class , all the information needed to explain our ideas was inserted into our powerpoint. We  had also generated notes to go with our powerpoint , but in the end didnt end up using the notes. Throughout the powerpoint me and Jamie simply elaborated on each point presented in our powerpoint , in order to make points clear and understandable to the listeners/audience.
Our powerpoint consisted of :
About Drake the artist : In this slide we breifly described drake , and informed the audience about his record label , his achievements and background knwoledge.
our second slide was : About 'Marvins Room' : In this slide we provided excessive background knowledge about the song itself , which incuded it's release date , its achievements, the genre of Marvins room and how it follows or subverts the typical conventions of its genre. We believed that it was essential to feed our audience with accurate facts and information to improve their understanding of the song .
Our fourth slide was about the Narrative of 'Marvins room' Within this slide we explained what Marvins room is about , by evaluating the message conveyed through the song lyrics of marvins room . We thought that it was important , that our audience was fully aware of the narrative pf the song , so they would therefore understand our ideas for our music video .
Our Fifth slide was explaining our own narrative to 'Marvins room' , it helped immensly that we had already explained the song lyrics to Marvins room , because this prevented confusion which therefore prevented plenty of questions.
Generally I believe that our presentation went well , as our audience seemed to understand all our ideas that we presented , when we asked for any questions , the audience didnt have much questions . However our teacher brought to our atttention that we cannot rely too much on the song lyrics of 'Marvins room' to make the video , our filming and shots also have to tell the story.

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