Saturday 24 September 2011

Possible song ideas for our music video

This is a song that we could possibly use for our music video, mainly because it follows a good narrative , meaning that we can generate plenty ideas for a storyline and create an intriguing storyline for our video.

We thought that Chris Brown's Dueces would be a good song to make a video to , primarily because it has a strong narrative throughout the song , that could be put together to make an effective video. Dueces is from the hip hop genre , so would follow the typical conventions of a hip hop video.

Unlike the above BRUNO MARS , Grenade is from the R&B genre , as a group we decided that this would be a good song io make a video to mainly because of the emotional song lyrics with generates plenty video ideas , however we also feel the idea of a grenade throughout our song could be slightly dramatic , in the sense that we cannot create a grenade for our video sinc ewe are on a tight budget.

We both strongly feel that 'Marvins Room" by Drake is a great song to create a video to , although its from hip hop genre it doesnt follow the typical conventions of a hip hop genre as it' extremely slow paced. In addition to this Drakes Marvins room has an extremely interesting narrative , and lyrics that are both intriguing and catchy . Despite the fact that the lyrics are repetative and fairly simplistic , it still explains the meaning of the song clearly to the audience , which would be ideal to make a video to.

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