Monday 17 October 2011

Filming on Friday 14th October 2011

On Friday 14th , me and my Media partner Jamie filmed our first shots for our music video. We had scheduled to shoot a minimum of 50 shots for our first scene of the music video, which was a scene that involved, the girl by herself in her apartment. To create the impression that the girl was alone in her apartment we use to settings within my house which was a front room were the girl laid by herself on a sofa , and a bedroom where the girl laid by herself in bed alone.
During filming, a lot of factors were changed ... The first big change that was made was the character change of the female character. Originally we had arranged for a girl called Georgia to play the role . However when filming we decided that she did not match the role as good as we had originally anticipated , so therefore we changed the main character to myself .
This scene was being filmed around my house so therefore there wasn't much inconvience, I simply had to change into a costume which i had arranged for Georgia.
Whilst shooting we found shots which worked and shits which didnt work so well...

1st Filming shooting on Friday 14th October 2011

On Friday me and Yharnna filmed part of Music video followed from our 1st scene breakdown. Overall the shooting went well as we used a various amount of shots. during filming we changed some of the shots we first had as we noticed others worked better with the scene and were more effective. The location of the shooting was on the sofa were Yharnna (the girl on phone to Drake) was sitting and having a short conversation with the Artist on phone. Due to the genre of the music rap/r&b Stereo typical view showing woman half naked as we followed showing Yharnna comfortable in short hot pants and a vest.

As i was Filming i noticed that the location was too Bright for the mood of our song so we made it more dim however we can darken it whilst editing. When we was filming we had our actual song we are using playing so we can understand how the shots and music will flow with each other.  After filming the first scene breakdown we had around 78 shots which was more than we noted down. This is better for us as we have a vary of more shots to choose from to understand which fits better whilst editing.

Monday 10 October 2011

Costume Research

For our main character who will be , at a drink up and walking down knights-bridge , we have decided that   he will be dressed casual yet smart , this will consist of , smart jeans or Trousers of colour , a smart and stylish jacket and a  t- shirt with a featured print.

This is an idea of what type of T-shirts we are looking for , to feature on our main character, they're not too sophisticated and not too plain , however they fit the casual look , but can be dressed up with a dressed up suave Coat.

The coats hat we have researched are casual as well as dressy , which is more or less so ideal for what we need because although our main character is out at a social gathering it's only a drink up , so you wouldn't expect him to look too dressed up , so thereofore a light jacket compliments the characters profile and the plot of our music video.
what's important for a character costumes is that our characters are dressed modern and fashionable

Scene Breakdown Sheet Jamie Hutton


As a group me and jamie have both decided to use knights-bridge as our main location , we were inspired by Cee-lo green 'in the city' and both feel that knights-bridge conveys a glamorous and lively night time impression of london. We believe that knights-bridge offers the best lights throughout London . We also appreciate the way that knights-bridge contrasts against the mood of the song , the mood of the song is extremely down beat and slow , whereas knights-bridge is extremely energetic and lively.

Personal Involvement/ contribution to Music video coursework Jamie Hutton

For our Music video coursework my main involvement so far is around the practical of the video itself. from our starting day looking at different types of music and how music videos are made with the shots in time with the beat i took this into count as we had a prelim task to do which involved me in a group of 4. When it came to filming our prelim music video i was directing and filming as i was the only one in the group at the time who has had experience with the camera. When we was filming i decided to do lip synching in our prelim as the video look better when it was just different shoots and shooting.  From there our group got split down which left us in a two me and Yharnna. This made it more challenging for us as we we was in the smallest group. I revolved myself around the history of Music videos looking at different decades, 60s, 70s, and 80s. I looked at the launch of MTV and how big it was used as a promotional tool for music videos. I analyzed Un-typical conventions of music videos. When we was looking at ideas of Music videos the one we got now was my idea as i thought it would be good to do as i thought of story lines for it before and what type of mood it would be filmed it to give a effect which is sepia. When we done out pitch it was a group thing but both of us shared work on that so i had part involvement. I wrote up the shot list, and drawn most of the storyboard and now i have done some scene breakdown sheets. Now we are discussing costumes props as we already have our location.

Shot Schedules

For our music video , we have three main locations , which will be , Knights-bridge, A front room and a social gathering . A problem which has occurred along the way is finding a schedule which is convenient for everybody that is required to feature in our music video, due to schooling timetables .
For our main Character , me and Jamie have both confidently agreed on choosing a  Eamonn Boland to feature in our video ,as the main character who will take on the persona of Drake. Fortunately Eamonn has agreed to feature in our video as the main character.
Also for our second character , which is a girl drake is talking about throughout the whole song , we have recieved confirmation from Georgia Waboso that she will play the role of this girl throughout our video.
And for our third scene which will be a social gathering , we will require 10 extras to evoke the idea of a drink up /social gathering, these extras are extremely important as they help create the setting .

Because of conflicting issues such as college timetables , working hours , holiday times , we had problems organizing a set time which will suit everybody. So as a group we have devised a list of shooting times which will suit everybody.

Date: Monday 10th October 2011
Time: 11.30am
Location: Front Room
Characters featuring: Georgia Waboso
Scene : 1

Date: Friday 14th October
Time:  12.00pm
Location: 2nd Location
Characters featuring: 10 extras and Eamon
Scene: 3 (social gathering)

Date: Saturday 22nd October 
Time: 6.00 pm
Location: Knights-bridge
Characters featuring: Eamon
Scene: 2

Date: Monday 17th October
Time: 10.30am
Location: front room 
Characters featuring: Eamon
Scene: 2

Props for our music video

For our first scene of our music video . which will be shot in a dimly lit front room with a large sofa , me and Jamie have decided that we will need the following props...
We will need a lamp shade to evoke the idea that the girl is relaxing at home on her sofa , we feel that the lamp shade creates a nice therapeutic mood and contributes well to the mood that we are creating in our music video.
Also we will need a mobile , which the girl will be holding , the mobile phone will not filmed directly , but there are several shots where the girl is filmed , whilst she's on her phone.
 We will also need a wine glass and a bottle of red wine . which will be positioned next to girl in the front room.

For our second scene we have decided that we won't require much props , other than a pair of headphones which our main character will be listening to whilst he's walking down knhightsbridge , also our character will have a phone in his hand .

For our 3rd scene which will be filmed in a small room , conveying the idea of a small party or a social gathering , we will require , 20 Red plastic cups , 6 alcohol bottles what you would usually expect at a drink up . Also for this scene we will need 10 extras who will  feature throughout this scene .

personal Involvement

For our coursework my involvement mainly revolves around the planning of our music video , During Friday's lesson I completed our animated story board and uploaded it on the blog . In addition to this I completed two shot breakdown sheets , whilst my working Partner completed the other two . In order to complete our shot break down list we needed to use our storyboard religiously, to establish what shot will be in  each exact location. I found that the shot break down list was extremely useful and helped organize our planning immensely, as it enabled us to make a filming schedule in each location , with different characters . however our next problem we have to solve is , arranging an exact time and date which will be convinient for all the characters needing our music video. Also as a team , me and Jamie have planned what props we need to buy between us , and what the character profiles will look like, this includes the planning of costumes and locations