Monday 17 October 2011

Filming on Friday 14th October 2011

On Friday 14th , me and my Media partner Jamie filmed our first shots for our music video. We had scheduled to shoot a minimum of 50 shots for our first scene of the music video, which was a scene that involved, the girl by herself in her apartment. To create the impression that the girl was alone in her apartment we use to settings within my house which was a front room were the girl laid by herself on a sofa , and a bedroom where the girl laid by herself in bed alone.
During filming, a lot of factors were changed ... The first big change that was made was the character change of the female character. Originally we had arranged for a girl called Georgia to play the role . However when filming we decided that she did not match the role as good as we had originally anticipated , so therefore we changed the main character to myself .
This scene was being filmed around my house so therefore there wasn't much inconvience, I simply had to change into a costume which i had arranged for Georgia.
Whilst shooting we found shots which worked and shits which didnt work so well...

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