Monday 10 October 2011

Props for our music video

For our first scene of our music video . which will be shot in a dimly lit front room with a large sofa , me and Jamie have decided that we will need the following props...
We will need a lamp shade to evoke the idea that the girl is relaxing at home on her sofa , we feel that the lamp shade creates a nice therapeutic mood and contributes well to the mood that we are creating in our music video.
Also we will need a mobile , which the girl will be holding , the mobile phone will not filmed directly , but there are several shots where the girl is filmed , whilst she's on her phone.
 We will also need a wine glass and a bottle of red wine . which will be positioned next to girl in the front room.

For our second scene we have decided that we won't require much props , other than a pair of headphones which our main character will be listening to whilst he's walking down knhightsbridge , also our character will have a phone in his hand .

For our 3rd scene which will be filmed in a small room , conveying the idea of a small party or a social gathering , we will require , 20 Red plastic cups , 6 alcohol bottles what you would usually expect at a drink up . Also for this scene we will need 10 extras who will  feature throughout this scene .

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