Monday 10 October 2011

personal Involvement

For our coursework my involvement mainly revolves around the planning of our music video , During Friday's lesson I completed our animated story board and uploaded it on the blog . In addition to this I completed two shot breakdown sheets , whilst my working Partner completed the other two . In order to complete our shot break down list we needed to use our storyboard religiously, to establish what shot will be in  each exact location. I found that the shot break down list was extremely useful and helped organize our planning immensely, as it enabled us to make a filming schedule in each location , with different characters . however our next problem we have to solve is , arranging an exact time and date which will be convinient for all the characters needing our music video. Also as a team , me and Jamie have planned what props we need to buy between us , and what the character profiles will look like, this includes the planning of costumes and locations

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