Monday 21 November 2011

21st November 2011 Jamie Hutton

Today is our final day to complete every part of our filming we are doing our last scene breakdown, which is the main sequence towards our narrative. We will be heading down to knightsbridge just before it gets dark to reflect the mood/atmosphere we are looking for. We have been preparing our day as we spoke about the types of different mise en scene such as the lighting in Knightsbridge and the clothing on our main artist etc. We have spoken bout the use of cinematography, we have thought of some really effective shots to use, we will get in a cab with our camera getting the view of knightsbridge night life showing how its all lit up by our panning shot or dolly shot. Me and Yharnna our most certain were we will be planing our shots within the whole finale of the music video.

Friday 18 November 2011

Drake Take Care

The image inserted above is the album cover to drakes take care Album , which has been recently released by the American Hip Hop Artist x

What is a Digipak?

Year 13 Media Coursework - Ansillary task

For our Ansillary task , as a class we were all given the same brief which was ; Create and authentic example of the digipak and magazine advert. In order to complete this coursework , crucial research was required , which was the following :

  • To find several examples of a promotion package for a release of an album 
  • To find an example of a Digipak( CD/DVD package)
Once we have collated the required research , we then have to :
  • Analyze the examples and identify the conventions of the media form .
  • Make a list of conventions .
  • Draft your work on your work on paper and photograph or scan it for your blog.
  • Decide on what images and format what you're going to use . Give reasons on your blog.
  • Create the final product on your computer .
  • The entire process should be discussed in detail on your blog .

Monday 14 November 2011

CD Digipak By Jamie Hutton

We are going to be making a cd digipak as part of the promotion package for the release of the album. Before we can eve start we are going to need to know which type of digipak we want and the dimensions of it.

CONVENTIONS of a CD digipak:
  • artist/band name
  • song/album name
  • tracklist
  • visual images that relate to the song/album
  • booklet containing information on the songs and the lyrics
  • record label name and logo 


Conventions of a magazine advertisement by Jamie Hutton

  • visual image connected to artist/song
  • band or artist name - this allows the audience to easily identify the band or artist
  • date of release of album
  • record company name or logo

The magazine advert must relate to the song, making it distinctive and easily recognizable for the target audience to see. 

Magazine Advertisement By Jamie Hutton

Due to technical issues with the computers we could no longer carry on with the process of editing our music videos. For the time being we are starting our ancillary task, making our magazine advert and cd digi pack. However again because of the issues we our having with our computers I could not save the templates to upload them, in this case I started producing the advert on photoshop.

For research we had to google other magazine articles...

This is a magazine advertisement for one of Tinie Tempahs albums, showing the artist himself taking up most of the advertisement with a dark narrow background showing outer-space linking with the title of the album cover, i chose this as an example as it is similar to something i would like to work around to have a similarity as my magazine advertisement. 

This gave us many ideas on the style and layout of our article and what things we have to put on our article. For example we needed to put on the logo of the record company something this one does not include. 

I think that this sort of theme would work quite well as it would portray the feelings and emotions of the characters in the video and the theme of the song aswell as our song "Drake- Marvins Room" would have a similar act as this album advertisement.

This album advertisement is rather plain but illustrates a lot of power as the artist is the image on the advertisement making him recognizable, and the use of red colour agian shows power, this again is something similar to what we would like mainly showing the artist and the mood. 

Monday 7 November 2011

Editing the scene breakdowns 7th November 2011

Today Me and Jamie started our first stage of editing , this was done by uploading all the shots that we have so far , once we had uploaded each shot , as a group we looked through each individual shot and selected shots that we both found worked effectively . Using our storyboard and scene breakdown as a guideline we started to arrange shots in an order which we found complimented each other and worked well as a music video.

Once we had put our first six shots into an order which we felt worked well , our next stage of editing was to trim the clips and audio , which enabled us to have the song in time of the beat cut to each shot.  We both felt that using by the sepia effect , it increased our video quality on the sense that without the sepia effect . the film quality looked rather amateur and basic. However the sepia effect created more of sophisticated look to the video and complimented the mood of the song.

Filming on the 31st October 2011

As we returned to sixthform after filming part of it in Knighstbridge we explainesd to teachers camrea problems we had as its was due to poor quality whilst we had to not use all the shots we used. so on this day we was issued a new camrea and set of to do the park sequence, were we had shots of our artist lip synching into the camrea which worked very well.

25th October 2011

On this day Me and Yharnna palnned to film our second scene breakdown which is shot up knightsbridge. the mood we was looking for was most preffered to be filmed at night as Knightbridge is full of lights and a good luxiuors atmosphere which was intended in our music video. after collecting the camrea from the media department with yharnna we headed back to our charcter who is en rolling Drake (artist/singer) we prepared various amount of costumes for him to be wearing whilst shooting and make up was applied. After knowing what we was exactly doing we went to Knightbridge my roll was directing the music video and producing which i thouroughly enjoy. I wwas doing the camrea work whilst me and Yharnna conformed on what types of shots would be affective whilst Yharnna played the woman role etc. we used shots such as panning shots were we jumped in a cab with the camrea out the window fetting each shot of Knightsbridge night life in, overall we done a really good job on this occasion.

Friday 4 November 2011

After filming I ensured that I uploaded all footage onto my PC as backup , so far we have 204 Shots and still have two scenes to go , which we have to be filmed in our own time.

Filming 31/10/11

Luckily for Me and Jamie Monday the 31st of October was when we returned to schoolfrom our school holidays , and had a media lesson. within this media lesson we explained our awful Knightsbridge experience to our teacher about the camera quality , they were extremely understanding and attentive to our needs , and within 30 minutes we were then given a newer camera which we had originally hoped for ...
So at 10.00pm me and Jamie set off to go filming ; as we needed to fim our 3rd scene which was the park scene , where basically the main boy and girl share memories together , so this was to be filmed in ray lodge park . After going home to change into 'snuggly and cosey ' clothes we met the main male character at raylodge park at 11.00am . Unfortuantly the camera which had been given to us had absolutely no battery life left. But luckily for us , i had remembered to bring my digital camera , so we litterely screwed my digital camera on the tripod , changed it into video mode and improvised. We filmed the scene on me (the main girl) and the main boy walked together ...holding hands and hugging. In addition to this , we filmed scenes o the main character by himself lipsynching . In all we had filmed roughly around 40 shots. Unfortuanly my media Partner Jamie had to go work , so we called it a wrap to the filming. However after I went home to charge the camera and ended up filming 130 more shots of the main character at home by himself on the sofa , which was in actual fact an extra scene , however the more shots we have the better the variety we have , and the easier and better it will be to edit.

Filming 25/10/11

On Tuesday 25th October Me and Jamie had arranged to go filming in knightsbridge , with our main charcter Eamon to complete one of our scenes. We had  collected the school camera on the previous friday , which was an inset day .  After preparing our main character in clothes that we felt were appropirate and matched the 'casual/dressed up' look we set off to Knights Bridge around 5.30pm , we chose this time because we wanted it to be dark but not too dark . However when we arrived at Knightsbridge and started filming , we were not so satisfied with the quality of the camera we were given , as it was slightly fuzzy and unclear in the dark lighting. Another factor which affected the quality of our filming was all the lights which feature on Knightsbridge , they appeared to reflect off the camera lens and became a 'large blurr' whcih looked horrendous on camera . After about 20 minutes of filming , me and Jamie made the wise decision to call it 'quits' and go home , as we were simply not going to acheive what we wanted. originally we had hoped for a newer model camera which had better quality , however these new cameras were being used by other groups. So we set off back home and arranged to go filming with the other camera . Which would undoubtebly suit us better .