Friday 18 November 2011

Year 13 Media Coursework - Ansillary task

For our Ansillary task , as a class we were all given the same brief which was ; Create and authentic example of the digipak and magazine advert. In order to complete this coursework , crucial research was required , which was the following :

  • To find several examples of a promotion package for a release of an album 
  • To find an example of a Digipak( CD/DVD package)
Once we have collated the required research , we then have to :
  • Analyze the examples and identify the conventions of the media form .
  • Make a list of conventions .
  • Draft your work on your work on paper and photograph or scan it for your blog.
  • Decide on what images and format what you're going to use . Give reasons on your blog.
  • Create the final product on your computer .
  • The entire process should be discussed in detail on your blog .

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