Friday 4 November 2011

Filming 25/10/11

On Tuesday 25th October Me and Jamie had arranged to go filming in knightsbridge , with our main charcter Eamon to complete one of our scenes. We had  collected the school camera on the previous friday , which was an inset day .  After preparing our main character in clothes that we felt were appropirate and matched the 'casual/dressed up' look we set off to Knights Bridge around 5.30pm , we chose this time because we wanted it to be dark but not too dark . However when we arrived at Knightsbridge and started filming , we were not so satisfied with the quality of the camera we were given , as it was slightly fuzzy and unclear in the dark lighting. Another factor which affected the quality of our filming was all the lights which feature on Knightsbridge , they appeared to reflect off the camera lens and became a 'large blurr' whcih looked horrendous on camera . After about 20 minutes of filming , me and Jamie made the wise decision to call it 'quits' and go home , as we were simply not going to acheive what we wanted. originally we had hoped for a newer model camera which had better quality , however these new cameras were being used by other groups. So we set off back home and arranged to go filming with the other camera . Which would undoubtebly suit us better .

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