Friday 4 November 2011

Filming 31/10/11

Luckily for Me and Jamie Monday the 31st of October was when we returned to schoolfrom our school holidays , and had a media lesson. within this media lesson we explained our awful Knightsbridge experience to our teacher about the camera quality , they were extremely understanding and attentive to our needs , and within 30 minutes we were then given a newer camera which we had originally hoped for ...
So at 10.00pm me and Jamie set off to go filming ; as we needed to fim our 3rd scene which was the park scene , where basically the main boy and girl share memories together , so this was to be filmed in ray lodge park . After going home to change into 'snuggly and cosey ' clothes we met the main male character at raylodge park at 11.00am . Unfortuantly the camera which had been given to us had absolutely no battery life left. But luckily for us , i had remembered to bring my digital camera , so we litterely screwed my digital camera on the tripod , changed it into video mode and improvised. We filmed the scene on me (the main girl) and the main boy walked together ...holding hands and hugging. In addition to this , we filmed scenes o the main character by himself lipsynching . In all we had filmed roughly around 40 shots. Unfortuanly my media Partner Jamie had to go work , so we called it a wrap to the filming. However after I went home to charge the camera and ended up filming 130 more shots of the main character at home by himself on the sofa , which was in actual fact an extra scene , however the more shots we have the better the variety we have , and the easier and better it will be to edit.

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