Monday 7 November 2011

25th October 2011

On this day Me and Yharnna palnned to film our second scene breakdown which is shot up knightsbridge. the mood we was looking for was most preffered to be filmed at night as Knightbridge is full of lights and a good luxiuors atmosphere which was intended in our music video. after collecting the camrea from the media department with yharnna we headed back to our charcter who is en rolling Drake (artist/singer) we prepared various amount of costumes for him to be wearing whilst shooting and make up was applied. After knowing what we was exactly doing we went to Knightbridge my roll was directing the music video and producing which i thouroughly enjoy. I wwas doing the camrea work whilst me and Yharnna conformed on what types of shots would be affective whilst Yharnna played the woman role etc. we used shots such as panning shots were we jumped in a cab with the camrea out the window fetting each shot of Knightsbridge night life in, overall we done a really good job on this occasion.

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