Friday 2 December 2011

28th November 2011 audience feedback

Throughout fridays lesson me and yharnna was finishing of editing our music video, by the end i completed our final music video. This was very promising as i felt very positive and confident about our music video as it worked very well and was as me and Yharnna thought it would be.

After everyone completed there music video we all watched and analysed each others, then fed back the strengths, weaknesses, and if any typical conventions were noticed. I interviewed 4 groups of people, and asked them three questions each for them to answer back in detail, overall we gained at least 90% positive feedback and were told a few things we could of changed such as that we had to many fades that could of been cut down, and lip syncing was out just a slight part out the end.

Me and Yharnna stayed in our extra time to edit and put together the interview and feedback on our music video  so it can be ready to upload onto the blog.

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