Monday 5 December 2011

Evaluation activity 1

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and and conventions of real media products ?

Often typical conventions of a music video's consist of ; lip synching , a variety of settings and scenes , enthusiastic characters , props , fast paste and effective editing .
I am extremely confident in saying that our music video supports these typical conventions , since we have range of scenes , where the main character lip synchs , with immense enthusiasm , expressing his frustration , that he is unable to obtain the girl of his dreams. The significant amount of effort the character puts in , when Lip synching , conveys the idea that he is passionate about what he's saying , causing our video to appear even more realistic . The character has also exaggerated his facial expressions , when lips synching to place enthisis on the lyrics of the song making it clearer for the audience.
an additional feature of our music video , that supports conventions of our music video , is the variety of settings and scenes used throughout our video . Most likely a typical music video will consist of 3/5 scenes . However within our music video we used five scenes , which were.

Picture 1 - Yharnna's front room

Picture 2- Park scene

Picture 3- Eamonn's front room

Picture 4 - Eamonn in the mirror

Picture 5 Knightsbridge.

I also feel that the costume used throughout our music video worked well , the first scene where our female character is wearing pjama shorts and a vest top creates the idea that she is casually relaxing in the comfort of her own home . Moving on from this when she is in the park walking with our main character , she is dressed in winter casual wear , where she appears comfy and snuggled , which conveys the correct feel to the video, that the characters were both comfortable with each other , since our male character is also dressed in casual winter wear.

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