Monday 12 December 2011

Ancillary task- Designing and developing ideas 2

When designing our CD Digipak , I found that it was hard to transcript ideas that we'd had on paper onto photoshop , in the sense that when I had arranged images in the way of which we had originally anticipated on paper , I found that it didn't work as well digitally . This therefore meant that I relied wholly on my artistic imagination , to create designs that we both felt worked well on computer.
The first challenging decision which I encountered , was deciding whether or not I wanted the background to be black or white , I felt that the two contrasting colours evoke different moods . For instance , white is extremely pure , and conveys a mood of serenity and reflection . However on the other hand a Black background is extremely heavy and expresses deep  feelings of gloom and desolution if used effectively.
Jamie had suggested to keep the background fairly simplistic , as if it was overcrowed , it may look unprofessional which was exactly what we didn't want.
We had also come to a mutal decision that we were to use a face as the main , focus of the CD cover .

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