Monday 12 December 2011

Ancillary task- Designing the Front cover

The image above is the first draft I designed for our music video , I tried to design it , so it remained
fairly simplistic as me and jamie had originally decided however i felt that , the image used didnt work well with the rest of the cover , I lied the image itself but was unkeen on the brightness used . Since the
font remained a gradient shade of grey , and the background was black , the image was simply too bright
and colourful for the CD cover .

After analysing the first draft in depth , I identified what did not work very well and what I thought worked well . The above image is the image of the design for our CD front cover. I decided that the font used could be improved and enlarged to a large scale. In addition to this I rectified the birghtness issue by
transforming our image into black and white , and adjusting the contrast so that the model stood our more . I'm extremely appreciative of the way in which his dark features are emphasised by the contrasting and brightness adjustments . I think this helps create the gloomy mood , that me and jamie were in search for.
Moreover , although we wanted a simple look , I found that the previous draft was too simplistic , so therefore inserted a microphone into the image , where I then edited the opacity on the image until it faded out enough. Research also showed that all albums consisting of profanity and foul language ,  will have the 'Parental Advisory' logo inserted on the front to indicate this. I though this sign made our cover look extremely realistic and professional. The contrasting fonts and font sizes works well , as it breaks up the font , causing each font to stand out more. As a group me and Jamie were both content with this design generated and felt that it worked well as a CD front cover.

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