Monday 12 December 2011

Ancillary task- Design and devlopment

After designing our second cover which was to be inserted within the second slot of our album casing , me and Jamie were both extremely impressed and were indecisive of whether or not this cover was in fact better than our original front cover . when in class I approached my teacher , who agreed that they were both extremely good designs , but the Second design , contained more elements , causing it to appear more appealing . I also asked our media technition who gave fantastic and truely benificial advise. What she had said was that our first design was more simplistic and was more suitable for a front cover of a single rather than a album. Where as our second deisgn was more complex and was suited better for an album cover rather than an insert.

 The two images to the left are the two images which we were deciding upon , for our front cover . I had only inserted the
'parental Advisory' logo on the left image to help compare which looked better as a front cover. After careful analysing , and taking in the advise we had recieved . Me and Jamie had decided to choose the image on the left , as we felt it was more appropirate. Because the second image was also very effective and professional looking , we thought it would b best if we swapped the two around , and used the second image as a slot instead.

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