Monday 5 December 2011

Evaultion 1 By Jamie Hutton

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our music video consist of a wide use of cinematography that follow the conventions of a typical music video,  as we use shots like above (establishing shot) this emphasizes the location, enrolling the mood of the song, relates to the lyrics, and the artist. 

Within this shot (above) the character playing the Artist of the song Drake is lip synching which supports a typical convention of a music video, in addition to this he shows tremendous enthusiasm playing a strong roll as he expresses the mood of which we had intended to show to the audience. which is a distressed man, this can be shown through the clothing as he is wearing a vest reflecting on his frustration, mood described through the lyrics too.  The high angle used illustrates the atmosphere.

The panning shot above again establishes the setting however can show the pace of the song, which reflects upon the mood of the song, as we slowed this clip down, the use of sepia shows the characters feelings and vibe of the song. the use of lighting is very dim, the mood of the song plays a big effect on ours as we show this very strongly through the character setting lighting and use of editing. 

the use of medium shots, were our strongest to do when we had lip synching shots as it shows the artist expressions, the background behind the artist can reflect on lyrics as he talks about memories, were we see in other clips him in the past with the girl. with the editing it was quite a light image to begin with, were we had to darken it to comprehend with the mood of the song.

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