Monday 12 December 2011

Developing Ancilary task-Photoshoot.

My brief for this photoshoot , was to Photograph the artist in a style that captures emotions of misery and lonliness ,so it apears as though the artist is reflecting over the past events , which take place in our music video.
 The image to the left successfully
conveys emotions of reflection and
gloom , the model , does not appear
happy . However the brightness
of the image does not help convey
this mood , it would have to be
 edited to a darker shade in
 order to exert this mood.
 This image is also a possible
image we could use for our
Cd cover, it's not as sharp as
the first image but does
however appear depressed.
but again we would have to
edit the brightness.
 This Picture was taken
at the wrong time , at
the time the mdel was talking
so this image therefore
cannot be used .
 This image is very effective,
I particularly like the fact that
the model looks like he's in
deep thought elsewhere ,
and looks extremely focused.
 The model also appears
focused here , I like the
definition in his jaw ,
it shares vast simularities
with the image situated
above. However I feel
that the angle of the
image above is more effective.
This image would work
well at the front of our
CD cover , it's simular
to the rest , however
the angle bears more to
the left . On the negative
side I feel as though his
head is not in proportion
with his body.

The model in this picture
appears dased , and is not
ready for this picture.
Therefore this image will
not be used for our digipak.
There is a smerk in the
models face within this
photo , this immeditely
illiminates the 'serious'
mood which we tried
to evoke , within our
This image is not
going to be used
as the models eyes
is closed , and looks
as though he is
half asleep.

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