Monday 12 December 2011

Ancillary task- Designing the back cover-Yharnna Dior Joseph

For the back cover , we wanted a long shot of the model rather than a face shot , to show some variety in terms of camera angles on the CD Digipak. However the images taken in the photoshoot were all close up images of a face , rather than long shoots . This therefore meant that we had to arrange with the actor/model to take more shots of him , preferably in a different outfit , to avoid a repetition of outfits.
After taking several shots the images that we felt worked best were ...

we found that both of these images worked well , they portrayed the image that model has power and authority which we thought related to the fact that it's his album back cover. However a decision was made that the first image is more effective , as it's almost as if the model is trying to convey a personal message the audience .  

To avoid a backcover which is simply too simplistic , we thought that it would be nessecary to insert an image in the background of the backcover . After careful thought , I decided that an image of knightsbrige would work well in the background , as it's featured throughtout the video largely . The repetition of the Knightbridge almost sets a theme for the album , since it's inspired by the idea of a lonely man surrounded in a big , flashy bright city . 

The image on the left is a photograph of 
Knightbridge at knight time . The lights
on harrods convey the exact idea that we 
want . Also the fact that the shape of the 
huge building is highlighted , will work well
as the background image of the back cover
of our CD digipak.

The image below is the first draft of our Back cover for our digipak.

For the back cover , we decided to use a black background as we
felt that it would compliment the knightsbridge background 
, emphasising the idea , that it is set at nightime . we lowered 
the opacity of the background so that it did not take too much
attention , since we wanted it to appear extremely subtle , and 
for the artist/model to be most noticable in the image. we adjusted
the brightness and contrast of the artist , so that that he stood
out from the page even more so . we  also faded him slighltly 
to evoke that murkyand dismal feeling. we believe that that font 
works well , and the Barcode scanner helps the back cover to look

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