Friday 16 December 2011

Evaluation 4 By Jamie Hutton

Throughout our construction of our A level Music video course different types of media technology was used into the reasearch and construction of the process of our video. First of All me and Yharnna used the internet as a tool of research into Music videos such as the development of them and how this has progressed over time. We looked into how music videos were published through tvs, used in films and example is Haed days night a film that occured with a vary of music videos of The Beatles this was used as a promotional tool; which is the idea of a music video to promote the song and the artist.

Secondly we looked into conventions of music video what is suspected and what may seem un typical. music videos were seen to have a narrative or be a perfomance of the artist or band. Me and Yharnna decided to follow the typical conventions of a music video as it was more occuring to us along with choosing a narrative then a performance.
We used the internet and mp3 to choose what song we was looking for, and watch the official video to give us an idea but however make it our own

As you can see from Yharnnas evlatuion there is pictures of me that Yharnna took of me filming using a jvc camrea this is one other tool we used to help create the video.  After the shooting our music video we then had to use a usb wire to import our music video onto I Movie we decided to use this format as I have had experience in using it before. during editing we used different aspects of what I Movie offered to create our video which I found very useful.

Whilst doing this Yharnna began on the creation of our digi pak as i finished editing Yharnna had examples of what we could do were we both used photoshop to do so. We used the camreas on the computer itself to feedback information we have gathered from our audicence feedback.

Without having the use of technology our course would of been very challening for us. With the use of it we belive it has helped us and we have done extremely well.

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